Det finns massor med böcker och artiklar i ämnet Förändringsledning. Här finns en lista med några av de jag hittat genom åren...


  • - Harvard Business Essentials: Guide to Managing Change and Transition

    Ämnen som behandlas: Change management, Downsizing, Organizational change, Stress.
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  • - Harvard Business Review on Change

    Samlingsbok med flera artiklar inom området Förändring. Ämnen som behandlas: Change management, Employee attitude, Organizational change, Reengineering, Reorganization.
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  • - Lead Change - Sucessfully, 3rd Edition

    Artikelsamling från Harvard Business Review kring förändringsledning
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  • - The Tools of Cooperation and Change

    Läromål: To discover how to match the right change-leadership tool to the right organizational circumstances. Ämnen som behandlas: Change management, Consensus, Cooperation, Culture, Leadership, Management techniques, Organizational change, Vision.
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  • - Tidningen Chefs "Lyckas som förändrare"

    Tidningens Chefs pocketguide om att driva förändringsprojekt
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  • Bo Ahrenfelt - Förändring som tillstånd

    Förändring som tillstånd ger en teoretisk grund och förståelse för det praktiska genomförandet vid framförallt förebyggande förändringsarbete i en organisation.
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  • Chris Argyris - Overcoming Organizational Defenses

    Personal psychological barriers to change are examined in this book, which shows why individuals have a natural tendency to adopt counter-productive behaviors (hiding, lack of motivation, etc.) when confronted with situations perceived to be threatening (e.g. mistakes, changes to the status quo). The author then proposes an approach to help people overcome such defensive attitudes and start behaving more productively.
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  • Edgar Schein - Process Consultation Revisited

    Process Consultation Revisited focuses on the interaction between consultant and client, explaining how to achieve the healthy helping relationship so essential to effective consultation.
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  • Elliot Jaques - Requisite Organizations

    A Total System for Effective Managerial Organization and Managerial Leadership for the 21st Century
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  • Gervase R. Bushe - Klart ledarskap / Clear Leadership

    Klart Ledarskap ökar din effektivitet som ledare genom att ge dig verktyg att ta itu med missförstånd och ryktesspridning.
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  • Henry Minneberg - The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning

    Strategic planning has fallen from the pedestal it occupied when it came on the scene in the mid-1960s. Strategic planning failed because it is not the same as strategic thinking. Planning is about analysis--about breaking a goal into steps, formalizing those steps, and articulating the expected consequences. Strategic thinking, in contrast, is about synthesis. It involves intuition and creativity. The outcome of strategic thinking is an integrated perspective, a not-too-precisely articulated vision of direction that must be free to appear at any time and at any place in the organization.
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  • Jick, Todd - Implementing Change, Note

    Behandlar ämnena: Change management, Implementation, Middle management, Organizational change.
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  • Jim Collins - Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies

    "This is not a book about charismatic visionary leaders. It is not about visionary product concepts or visionary products or visionary market insights. Nor even is it about just having a corporate vision. This is a book about something far more important, enduring, and substantial. This is a book about visionary companies."
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  • Jim Collins - Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...and Others Don't

  • John P. Kotter - Keep Urgency Up

    Ämnen som behandlas: Leadership, Strategic leadership, Agility, Change management, Action planning, Execution, Initiatives, Strategic initiatives, Strategy execution.
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  • John P. Kotter - Leading Change

    John P. Kotters första bok om framgångsrikt förändringsarbete.
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  • John P. Kotter - The Heart of Change

    John P. Kotters uppföljande bok om framgångsrikt förändringsarbete.
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  • Larry Hirschhorn - Managing in the New Team Environment

    Essential reading for all managers in contemporary business organizations who are attempting to work productively in today's challenging economic environment.
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  • Larry Hirschhorn - Reworking Authority

    For many companies, the past decade has been marked by a sense of turbulence and redefinition. The growing role of information technologies and service businesses has prompted companies to reconsider how they are structured...
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  • Marvin Weisbord - Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!

    Tio principer för att leda meningsfulla möten
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  • Marvin Weisbord, Sandra Janoff - Future Search: An Action Guide to Finding Common Ground in Organizations & Communities

    A detailed how-to book on the planning, managing, facilitating and follow-up of future searches, with numerous examples. 2nd edition 240 pages, Berrett-Koehler, 2000.
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  • Michael Raynor - The Strategy Paradox

    The Strategy Paradox is Michael’s second book. It explains how companies can exploit risk to create competitive advantage.
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  • Pocket Mentor - Leading Teams

    Ämnen som behandlas: Leadership, Strategic leadership, Efficiency, Productivity, Creativity, Bargaining, Conflict resolution, Management teams.
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  • Pocket Mentor: Leading People

    Ämnen som behandlas: Communication, Communication channels, Leadership, Strategic leadership, Agility, Change management, Esprit de corps, Motivation, Bargaining, Conflict resolution.
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